
Complaints book

Qelqatani Hotel E.I.R.L.
R.U.C. 20321945083
Jr. Tarapacá 355, Puno – Peru
Phone: (51-51) 366172 / 364470
E-mail: reservas@qelqatani.com | qelqatani.com

    1. Identification of the complaining consumer

    2. Identification of the contracted asset

    Contracted asset:

    3. Detail of the claim


    (Disagreement related to the products issued or services provided).

    (Disagreement NOT RELATED to products or services. Discomfort or dissatisfaction with customer service).


    *Required data

    LEGAL BASIS: Law No. 29571, consumer protection and defense code. Regulation S.D. Nº 011-2011-PCM and its amendments S.D. No. 037-2011 PCM Lgy.